
Why is alignment so important?

Alignment is the solution to many business challenges.

Unfortunately, because we are an outcome-driven society we move too quickly into taking action, and not enough time is invested where it matters most - the process.

Invest in alignment (the foundation of your process) for better long-term results.

The talent optimization platform we offer at Human Results helps facilitate alignment across the C-Suite so you can then create a people strategy to map to your business strategy.

If your business strategy is shifting due to COVID19 you cannot afford to be making people decisions without workforce analytics to support your new people strategy.

Furthermore, when it comes to hiring for an open role, it’s absolutely critical that everyone who is participating on the interview panel is aligned on why the role is open (what’s the work to be done), what are the must-have qualifications the candidate must come into the role with and what can they learn on the job. Factors that help determine the above criteria include behavioral and cognitive benchmarks as well as assessing for experience, values, and culture fit through structured interviews.

You create a terrible interview experience if people on the interview panel repeat the same question to a candidate. It shows the candidate that you’re not being strategic and thoughtful in leveraging your time wisely and perhaps your company makes decisions poorly and based on limited information.

And if you are working with partners who are sourcing and assessing candidates for your company, it’s critical they know exactly where you stand before you begin the process or you’re wasting your organization’s money and time.

Invest the time upfront to achieve alignment and reduce potential problems and expenses down the road.