The Human Results' Control Matrix

We created the Human Results’ Control Matrix to showcase healthy and unhealthy roles our clients can choose to take when faced with triggers in our environment or within ourselves. However, it can be used in many contexts when running a business so stay-tuned to learn about more applications.

The post below provides an overview in thinking about the matrix in terms of managing stress and preventing burnout.

Through evolution, we’ve developed a deep need for control or a need for a sense of control because we believe that’s what can help us survive.

It’s not surprising that most of us enjoy being a “Driver” because we like to control our controllables. However, what’s likely the healthiest role we can choose is the “Observer” role because there are actually very few things (or people) we can control.

For various reasons, we’ve all been known to let life take us for a ride even when we could have steered things in a certain direction. That’s when we, knowingly or inadvertently, take on the unhealthy role of being a "Passenger."

The most obvious unhealthy role we often actively choose is being a “Worrier” which happens when we try to take control over people or things for which we have little or no control over.

Can you see how your desire to take control or let go of control impacts your stress levels?